Prior to being reviewed, the Principal Investigator must agree to the terms outlined in this document:
Conditions of Proposal Acceptance
If proposal is accepted the Principal Investigator must agree to these conditions prior to receiving access to the data.
The Principal Investigator takes overall responsibility for the entire project for which the data is being requested. The Principal Investigator acknowledges and agrees that the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) will not enter in a data use agreement with any participating site for request of data. The Principal Investigator is solely responsible for the necessary approvals. The Principal Investigator agrees to follow the PFF publication policy enlisted below.
Data Use and PFF:
Any use or reproduction of the data in a manuscript or within data analysis does not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of the work by Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation or the PFF Registry.
Document Development, Distribution, and Review Policy:
The review process for peer-reviewed publication is identical to that for guidelines, whether a PFF-generated work product or from an outside agency for PFF evaluation and joint signature. If the document will appear in PFF-controlled pages, it only needs PFF Medical Team review and will not undergo journal peer review.
Manuscript & Abstract | Publications:
The PFF encourages rapid dissemination of new information generated by its investigators and relies on the intellectual integrity, communication transparency, scientific honesty, and goodwill of its Care Center Network members to ensure that the reporting process is appropriate. Contributions of individual investigators, especially new investigators, should be recognized, given the importance of authorship to academic promotion. All publications must include explicit recognition of patients, principal investigators, and others within the PFF Care Center Network.
Abstracts and manuscripts must be reviewed by the PFF prior to submission or presentation. The PFF Medical Team and Scientific Review Committee may send comments and suggestions for consideration by the PI who reserves the final decision on the content of the abstract or manuscript. All manuscripts must be submitted for review by the PFF Medical Team and Scientific Review Committee at least eight weeks prior to planned submission for publication. Final manuscripts must be submitted to the PFF Medical Team and PFF Care Center Network & Registry Steering Committee in advance of journal submission for informational purposes only. All abstracts require review by the PFF Medical Team and Scientific Review Committee at least six weeks before planned submission for presentation.
Other Research Manuscripts:
Other research manuscripts are documents developed by any PFF workgroup or from a PFF Registry. Grant-funded manuscripts must include language acknowledging the PFF's receipt of the grant. Manuscripts of this nature should be submitted to the PFF Medical Team and PFF Registry Steering Committee in advance of journal submission for informational purposes only.
Statistical Support:
As part of our research collaboration, please note investigators are encouraged to provide their own statistical expertise for data analysis. In the event an investigator chooses not to provide statistical support, the investigator must provide funding to cover services provided by our Statistical Team within the Data Coordinating Center (DCC). Your cooperation ensures the integrity of our research outcomes.
Thank you for your understanding and commitment.